5 Reasons Industrial Roof Maintenance Is So Important

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5 Reasons Industrial Roof Maintenance Is So Important

You face the same crisis every year: a building budget that never stretches enough, so you try to find ways to scrimp and save. One place never to economize: industrial roof maintenance. The importance of roof maintenance cannot be overstated.

1. Extend

Extend the life of your existing industrial roof by spending wisely on routine rooftop maintenance. Annual inspections and minor repairs can add years of useful service to any industrial roof, even one well past its prime.

2. Save

The small costs for an ongoing program of annual or semiannual inspections, minor repairs, and cleaning can add up to big savings over the years.
With industrial roofing costs climbing higher, you can postpone reroofing costs and save for the new roof five or 10 years in the future, instead of paying for the infrastructure improvement now.

3. Preserve

Industrial roof maintenance is a major step toward preserving your existing roof’s warranty. You may be unaware of the power and value of that warranty.
A sad lesson is to neglect the roof and then turn to the manufacturer with a warranty claim. The manufacturer can deny a warranty claim due to your choice to defer necessary maintenance.

This is also true for any commercial roofer’s workmanship warranty that may be in place. Neither the roofing materials manufacturer or the commercial roofer will pay for your company’s decision to neglect your industrial roof.

4. Lock

You can lock in your building’s value by keeping your industrial roof well maintained. Avoid costly water leaks, ruined equipment, unhealthy indoor air quality, and sick employees.

Hold onto your building’s resale value and curb appeal by helping the roof protect the entirety of your company’s assets:

  • Inventory
  • Customer goodwill
  • Employee health
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Supplies
  • The importance of roof maintenance to your bottom line comes into sharp relief when a “minor” roof problem puts the rest of the operation at risk.

5. Check

A healthy roof keeps utility costs in check. A reflective industrial roof coating can drop cooling costs month after month. Good rooftop drainage prevents humidity problems inside. With a clean roof and an ongoing rooftop maintenance program, your industrial property’s energy costs remain stable and predictable.

Your perfect partner in industrial roof maintenance is Yellowhammer Roofing, Inc. Contact us today so we can assess your industrial roof soon. A little money now on a long-term roof maintenance plan can save you a lot of money later.

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